Relief From Debts And Creditors Through Chapter 7 Bankruptcy
In these difficult financial times with home prices plummeting and the prices for basic necessities skyrocketing, many people are finding themselves in dire financial straits through no fault of their own.
At Stratton & Green, ALC, we recognize the stress that severe financial strain puts on every aspect of your life and offer a solution by assisting clients in filing for Chapter 7 bankruptcy.
Chapter 7, most often called the “straight bankruptcy” is considered the most uncomplicated and direct form of bankruptcy. Chapter 7 serves to immediately halt all collection action and serves to discharge all credit card balances and other unsecured debt. In most cases, exemptions can be claimed in order to preserve and protect your property. There are some debts that simply cannot be discharged in Chapter 7 cases, such as student loans, taxes, child support obligations and certain restitution orders for damages caused while under DUI or drugs.
As is standard in our approach with every client, we will educate you about all aspects of the bankruptcy process and help you explore every option available to determine if filing bankruptcy is in your best interest. All information is confidential, and we offer a free initial consultation. We strive to be very cost-efficient with multiple payment options available.
We are a debt relief agency. We help people file for bankruptcy relief under the Bankruptcy Code.